4 Ways to Fit More Exercise Into Your Busy Schedule


Exercise is one of the most beneficial activities you can do. It makes you fit and strong, benefits your mental health, and keeps you living for longer. Yet so many of us have busy lifestyles with hectic schedules that make it difficult to fit in a regular workout.

Plans change, meetings overrun, and deadlines creep up. Before long, you realize you haven’t been to the gym in two weeks. So how do you keep your endorphins flowing and your blood pumping when you’re overwhelmed by other commitments?

Here are four ways you can start fitting more exercise into your busy schedule today.

Use your lunch break

Everyone is entitled to a lunch break but be honest, how often do you end eating your packed lunch at your desk? Instead, why not reclaim those 60 minutes and head to the nearest gym or go for a run around the block? Your lunch will still be waiting for you when you get back. Just make sure it’s something healthy with plenty of protein to rebuild those muscles after a tough workout. It might be a good idea to keep a protein powder supplement such as Oxyshred on your desk for this reason.

This post was originally posted on https://www.factorytwofour.com/4-ways-to-fit-more-exercise-into-your-busy-schedule/